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Keck School of Medicine MD Program Conflict of Interest in Student Assessment and Supervision Policy

Policy Statement

The KSOM is committed to ensuring the fair and impartial supervision and assessment of students.

Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, family members (genetic or by marriage), friends of the committee member’s family, mentorship or ongoing advisory, personal or intimate relationship, people with a business relationship with the member or their family, a doctor-patient relationship, supervising or assessing the student, or interest in the outcome other than the fair and equitable application of the policies of the KSOM. Any resident or faculty member who has a conflict of interest will recuse themself from providing healthcare, assessment of a student, or any action under consideration.


All members of the Keck School of Medicine Community.

Policy Requirement

Healthcare Providers

Health professionals who previously provided or are currently providing health care services to a medical student cannot participate in the small group teaching, clinical supervision, assessment or supervision of that student’s performance in any venue, including, but not limited to, a course, clerkship, elective or performance committee. If a student has ever received any type of healthcare by a faculty member, that faculty member must recuse themselves from any role in the subsequent assessment or supervision of that student and cannot be involved in any admissions or adverse action decisions concerning the student.


  1. Faculty or residents who recognize the existence of a conflict of interest with a student (as defined above), are required to report the conflict to the course or clerkship director who will reassign the student or faculty member. Faculty members involved in committees where admissions or adverse action decisions are made must recuse themselves from any involvement in decisions concerning probation, progression, or dismissal of students with whom they have had or have a conflict of interest.
  2. Students who recognize the existence of a conflict of interest (as defined above) with any faculty or residents are required to report the conflict to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs who will work with the appropriate curricular personnel to reassign the
Reviewed and Approved: 5/22/2024
Medical Education Curriculum Committee (MECC)
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