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Keck School of Medicine MD Program Policy on the Retake of Examinations

Policy Statement

The Keck School of Medicine supports student success by allowing them the opportunity to retake examinations under certain circumstances when an exam was not passed.

Policy Requirement

Pre-clerkship Exams

  1. Students who do not pass a final composite course assessment on the first attempt will receive a grade of Incomplete (I).
  2. Students who do not pass a final composite course assessment on the first attempt are required to pass a retake exam (second attempt) to resolve the incomplete and pass the course.
  3. Students who pass the retake exam (second attempt) will have a Pass (P) noted on their transcript for that course.
  4. Students who fail the retake exam (second attempt) will have a Fail (F) noted on their transcript for that course.
  5. Students who fail the retake exam (second attempt) can petition the Student Performance Committee for the option of taking a second retake exam (third attempt). Permission to sit for a second retake exam (third attempt) may only be granted at the discretion of the Student Performance Committee.
  6. Students who pass the second retake exam (third attempt) will have the F on their transcript changed to an F/P reflecting passage of the second retake exam (third attempt) and successful completion of the system.

Required Clerkships NBME Subject Exams

  1. Students who do not pass an NBME subject exam on the first attempt will receive a grade of Incomplete (I) for the clerkship.
  2. Students who do not pass an NBME subject exam on the first attempt are required to pass a retake exam (second attempt) to resolve the incomplete and pass the clerkship.
  3. Students who do not pass an NBME subject exam on their first attempt will be ineligible for Honors.
  4. Students who fail the retake exam (second attempt) will continue to have a grade of Incomplete (I) noted on their transcript for that clerkship and will be required to sit for a second retake (third attempt) of an NBME subject exam.
  5. Students who pass the second retake exam (third attempt) will receive a grade of Pass for the clerkship. They are ineligible for a grade of HP or Honors.
  6. Students who fail the second retake exam (third attempt) will receive a grade of “Fail” (F) for the clerkship and must repeat the clerkship.
  7. If a student in the Clerkship Phase fails two or more NBME subject exams on the first attempt, the student will be ineligible for further retake exams and will not be eligible to continue required clerkship activities.
  8. A student who does not pass three subject exams on the first attempt will be required to repeat the Clerkship Phase.
  9. If a student has two or more pending NBME subject exam (retakes or delays), the student will not be eligible to continue or enroll in required clerkships or take additional NBME subject exams until they pass all of the outstanding retake examinations unless approved by the Assistant or Associate Dean for Student Affairs.


  1. Students who fail an exam will be notified via email.
  2. To be eligible to retake an examination, students are required to meet with the LEAD (Learning Enhancement and Academic Development) team.
  3. The timing of the retake examination is at the discretion of the Assistant or Associate Dean for Student Affairs in consultation with the Assessment and Evaluation Unit.
  4. The retake examination schedule may only be changed with approval by the Assistant or Associate Dean for Student Affairs and not by individual students or faculty members.
  5. SPC determines a student’s ability to progress in the curriculum.

Reviewed and Approved: April 5, 2023
Medical Education Curriculum Committee (MECC)

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